My Speech

I had to give my first speech for class this past Thursday… I am not a speech giver. I get very, very nervous when I’m in a situation like that… heck I nearly spilled all of the champagne because my hand was shaking so hard when I gave the toast at my sisters wedding!

So… I thought that I would post the speech on here. It was a values speech and I had a tough time deciding whether to write about Ray or Noah, but Noah won. Maybe one day when I get my web cam set up again, I will start vlogging, but for now… well, you can just read it 😉

Children dream of becoming many things when they grow up… astronauts and football stars… ballerinas and famous musicians. They dream of becoming doctors… scientists… world leaders. I had dreams like that when I was little. I wanted to be a ballerina… a pediatrician… I wanted to be a mom. No matter what I dreamed of becoming professionally, I always knew that I wanted to have children one day.

That dream finally became a reality one cold and icy December morning a few years ago. You see, that morning two lines showed up on the pregnancy test instead of just one. That was the day that I found out that I was going to become a mother. I didn’t know yet that I was pregnant with a little boy or that we would name him Noah. I didn’t know that Noah would end up teaching me things or how quickly and easily he would learn things. I didn’t know that he would be such a joy to be around.

Noah  in about me

Here I thought that I would be the one teaching my child how to do things, which I am, but it turns out that he has taught me things as well. Thanks to Noah I learned that I can be stronger than I ever thought possible, that I can handle pain without giving in to it… and that it’s really not as bad or scary as most women make it out to be. He has taught me to slow down and see the world through the eyes of an infant again… to look at everything as if I were seeing it for the first time, because that’s how he’s seeing it. Because of Noah, I learned that the love that I feel for him is unlike any other I have ever felt before. It is unconditional and protective, it is strong and unending and I can not imagine my life without him in it.

You can usually find Noah in a good mood. He smiles and laughs so much and is such a joy to be around… well, most of the time anyway. Let me give you an example of what my son is like. Most children cry and scream when they get a shot at the doctor’s office, but not my Noah. His little lip may quiver, but the tears stay away and he leaves the room smiling. That’s just how he is… not to say that he’s never in a bad mood or that he never cries, but it is so rare to see him as anything but happy. Everything is a game to him and he loves to play.

These are just a few of the reasons why this happy, potty using, teacher of a little boy is the light of my life. I know that almost every parent could go on and on gushing over their child, and though I could list a million more reasons why this little man of mine is so dear to me, I will spare you that and let the next person have their chance to come up here and talk. Thank you.

I ended up getting through it and eventually (it took 2 speeches to calm my nerves) being able to talk about it… unfortunately there was a paper clip on the podium that did not have much luck… it turns out I mutilated it in my efforts to try to calm my nerves while talking!! =) Oh well… the next one we have to give is a visual/demonstration speech and it’s supposed to be 2-4 minutes longer!! Be still my thumping heart!!

(No paper clips were harmed in writing this post!! I apologize to the family and friends of the paper clip that gave up its life on Thursday in order to serve a greater purpose… may it forever be remembered!)

30 thoughts on “My Speech”

  1. Great speech! I used to take a speech class back when I was 8-10 years old and I loved it…but after a bad experience in college I hate giving speeches!!!

  2. It was very good, Michaela!! As I said on twitter, I hate giving speaches. My face gets all red and I start to feel warm and my hands start to sweat!

    Good luck on the next one!!

  3. Nice speech. Your son sounds like a cutie pie.

    I never liked public speaking- I remember having to give oral reports in school and being so nervous. That’s great you are overcoming it by taking a class.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. 🙂

  4. Great speech – I really enjoyed it. Condolences to the paperclips family and friends though – what a shame!

    Good luck on your next speech.

  5. That was a very good speech! I always got stressed out over giving speeches too but managed to get through the class and actually got a good grade–I think I ended up with an “A.” It does get easier the more you do it. For my demonstration speech I did it on bowling. I like how you can see things through Noah’s eyes like it’s your first time seeing it. How fun that would be!

    Congrats on your SITS day!
    .-= Karen, author of “My Funny Dad, Harry”´s last blog ..Browns Finally Beat The Steelers =-.

  6. That was a very good speech. Makes me even more confident in our decision to try to get pregnant. I can’t wait to be making “speeches” like this about my own little boy or girl – did I say making speeches? I meant talking to anyone who will listen for hours on end. 😉
    .-= WannabeMomErin´s last blog ..It’s all in the name =-.

  7. stopping by from SITS

    That paperclip would have had the exact same demise with me….I abhor attention of any kind, so something like giving a speech? not happening. You are a brave woman!
    .-= Kristin´s last blog ..Blargh =-.

  8. Awh! What a beautiful speech. I truly enjoyed it. And that was very brave of you. It’s not easy to get up in front of people. My brother swears with time and practice you can get over nerves.
    I don’t know….my voice quivers….it’s saaad.
    .-= Angelia (Texas)´s last blog ..I’m Radioactive =-.

  9. Good job!! I have MAJOR speech phobia, and when I was asked to be a maid of honor in a wedding, I started to panic. Luckily she didnt have speeches, she just had her parents stand up and speak. Lord knows I would have screwed up big time!
    .-= Lauren´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday =-.

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