Randomness on a Saturday night

So while Ray is sitting at his computer playing the Orange Box… again… I’ve decided to sit down and return some comment love. In doing so I’ve had to hang my head in shame, because I’ve realized that there are comments from bloggers that stopped by almost a month ago on the list of bloggers to visit back! I was on a roll there for a while and was making sure to have a “comment night” once a week, but I guess between school, by trip to Florida, school, trying to keep the house together and oh yeah… school, I fell behind. So here I am playing catch up and trying to delete a long list of emails out of my Outlook.  As you can see… I had to take a little break to write… I am about halfway through the list though, so at least that’s a plus!

I’ve had a headache all day… I hate that, because the only thing that really cures them for me is ibuprofen…. and I can’t take that right now. Add to that that my eyes have hurt almost all day and I’m starting to think that I may be getting sick. It wouldn’t surprise me if I was… Ray has been sick for the past two weeks… sinuses, a cough and feeling run down in general. I told him to go get check out, but did he listen??? If he’s not better by Monday he’s going in!!

I finally got the H1N1 vaccination. My ob’s office called on Thursday to tell me that they finally got a shipment in and were offering it to all of their expectant mothers. I had been on the fence over whether or not I should/would get it up until then. I decided to go since there had been a confirmed death here in town from it and because I am around so many different people at school. Noah I still have to try to get one for Noah.

We are starting to get the house ready for baby girl. We’ve had 3 contractors come by in the past few days to give us an estimate for a loft to bedroom conversion. Hopefully we’ll know more about which one will be doing the work and when they can begin on Monday or Tuesday.  Now we just need to figure out where we will be putting the computer(s) and office junk. Not to mention we still need to come up with a name!! Ray keeps calling her by a name that I am not a fan of at all, but I hate to admit that I am getting used to hearing it.

I think my Christmas wish list will have more things on it for baby girl than for me.

I’m much bigger now than I was at this time with Noah… and I still have 19 weeks left! I think she may end up weighing much like I did when I was born… lord help me if she does… I was over 9 lbs. I told Ray today that if that’s the case I may be rethinking my plans on delivering without drugs!

Ok – I think that the break is over for now, so I will go back to spreading the comment love!!

12 thoughts on “Randomness on a Saturday night”

  1. I remember them headaches:p We are only allowed to take Tylenol. Use an ice pack.

    I remember when I first started blogging. I did it everyday. Didn’t miss anyone I followed, but since the summer, I haven’t been able to get that mojo back.

    Planning for a baby, so exciting:):)
    .-= Vickie´s last blog ..Snowman Card and Bad Glue =-.

  2. I’ve been plagued with a headache since last night. It used to be that acetaminophen would kill them, but now only ibuprofen works.

    You are a busy momma!

  3. I got the vaccine too. Phew, now I feel like I’m not so paranoid about every cough and sneeze. 🙂
    Good luck with the remodeling.
    .-= Yaya´s last blog ..Attempt At Rhetorical Clarity….(?) =-.

  4. We desperately need to convert our loft to a bedroom. Right now, my hubby uses it as his office but things are getting a little crowded now that the kids are a little bit bigger.

    When I was pregnant, I got migraines and the only thing that helped was drinking an ice cold Coke. My ob said it was okay every once in awhile…I was worried about the caffeine but she said it wasn’t as if I were drinking coffee 3 times a day or anything.

    Can you believe we’re still waiting on the H1N1 vaccine here?? I’ve gone twice now to our dr’s office and each time they tell me that they just ran out..ugh!
    .-= Helene´s last blog ..Who says you need snow to have a good time? =-.

  5. I’ve got my flu shot, but the darnedest thing…my youngest, all of 19 years old, refuses! And she lives in a college dorm, where germs are about as common as Saturday nite keggers. I think she’s a scaredy cat. I’m threatening to haul her down to the doctor’s and sit on her. H1N1 vaccine, though, is still scarce in our nec of the woods…SITS sent me by, and I’m glad they did…
    .-= Melissa B.´s last blog ..Toy Story =-.

  6. I would say that a baby on the way and a toddler and a headache (!) qualify you for the Blogger Comment Love Exemption. It’s a little known bylaw that should be invoked at times of chaos.

    .-= Sharon´s last blog ..Going Home =-.

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