Happy New Years Eve!

We started out our day early… the alarm went off at 7 am (well the first time). By 7:45 Noah and I were up and getting ready (we let daddy sleep a little while longer… aren’t we nice?!) since together we take the longest. After getting Noah washed and dressed we spent some time doing a little of this…

Afterward we ate a little breakfast and tried to tidy up the place before my BIL and MIL (brother-in-law and mother-in-law for those of you who didn’t know) came over… because Ray, his brother and I were going to go out and see a movie while his mother watched Noah for a few hours.

Ray and Bob Imax 3D glasses

Yes those are lovely nose pinching one size fits all 3D glasses the guys are wearing. Can you guess what we went to see? (Those of you following me on Twitter may know, since I tweeted about it)… yes… it was Avatar and it was great! I seriously recommend watching this movie in Imax 3D to anyone who can and who wants to see it. The 3D effects added a depth to the movie that wasn’t “in your face”, but completed it. All three of us left the theater in awe and glad that we went (and that we watched the 1st showing of the day and that we got there an hour early! That place was packed!!)

Afterward we drove back to our place where we ate some Kal Bi (Korean barbecued short-ribs) that Rays mom had made (YUM!!). Once they left Ray, Noah and I drove out to the post office and ended our day (well Noah’s day at least) with a little of this…

Noah tired at Kohls

You can just see how tired he was! But he was a trooper and held off sleep for another 90 minutes. I think he was asleep as soon as I laid him down in his crib (and for those of you wondering, with the exception of last night, he has been sleeping 11 hours straight at night! 8pm – 7am – he even started sleeping through his 4 am bottle! Heaven heaven heaven!!!)

So now Ray and I are on the couch and having had our last junk food dinner (frozen pizza) and homemade chocolate malts a la Ray, we’re watching Barry Manilow sing on PBS (yeah yeah yeah – you know you secretly love him too!) and waiting for the clock to strike midnight. I couldn’t imagine a more relaxing way to ring in the new year!

I hope that 2009 didn’t treat you too bad and wish you all the best for 2010!!!

8 thoughts on “Happy New Years Eve!”

  1. I’m so glad we’re not the only ones that stayed in last night. I felt so OLD, but it was okay, actually. I felt OLD, but CONTENT. Looks like a lovely day! Congrats on those sleeps, by the way. My three month old has been a champion sleeper till the last few days – something to do with her teeth, I think. Yawn.
    .-= Luschka´s last blog ..January’s Tortures Life Detox =-.

  2. I am so jealous that your hubby made it to midnight! Mine fell asleep, and after reading a few other bloggers today, I hear he wasn’t the only one!

    Congrats on getting your little one to sleep through the night. The question is, are you doing the same? I know once my daughter started sleeping in nice long stretches, I was still going to the bathroom every 3 hours. Pregnancy, it appears, has irrevocably changed my body!

    .-= Elizabeth´s last blog ..New Year, New You! =-.

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